Monday, May 11, 2009


I was doing some spring email cleaning, when I noticed my demographic must be on the cusp of mid-life crisis #2, and hovering around toxic levels of my body in decline.

Here are my most recent emails:

Viagra or Cialis Free Trial!
Viagra Free!
Cialis Free!
Enlarge It (because bigger is better)
Hoveround (get your life back)
Anti- Aging Miracle (fountain of youth in a bottle)
Your old Ex wants to reunite~!
Know when your time is up with Death Clock

And...thank God I was recently sent a wink, a hug, a kiss, a tag, a nudge, a pet, and a martini, by people I don't even know on various social networking sites.
Keeps my chin up!!!

Here is a parody of Chubawamba's Tubthumping I wrote while digesting all this!

I get knocked down, but I get up again,
You're never goin' to keep me down,

Kissing the night away
Kissing the night away

He takes a viagra pill
He takes a cialis pill
He take a Sidenafil
He takes a tadalafil

He sings the songs that remind him
of the up times
He sings a song that reminds him of the down times. bout.......this (original poem of junk mail over-load)

52 junk mails, bought into them all....
Now I'm all better, never am dull~

Got me a Hoveround from the real Tom Kruse,
I still can walk, but what is there to lose?
I go to the mall and run over the walkers,
Never mind those mallrat dwellling gawkers....

I got me Cialis and a supply of Viagra,
Now I'm flowing like the falls of Niagara...

Bought me Enlarge pills and wrinkle cream,
Got me a timeshare (Boise), livin' the dream!

Got me a job...500 dollars a week!
I can stay at home-- maintaining physique!

Got Mother's Day Flowers for under 20 bucks,
Got there today, oh well, that really sucks....

Got a Citizen Grant, so I can take what's mine
Got an Obama plate, auto pen signed!

Got a discount on meds for all the depression,
And bought a foreclosed home, due to recesssion.

Bought some life insurance at premium rates,
Got plenty of Hyundai cash in rebates.

I lowered my blood sugar with one easy click....
Bought Rachel Ray cookware, (love that pick!)

Got some Hydroxycut, mis-took for cookies,
Got a pamphlet called 'Weight Loss for Rookies...'
Bought a Free Google Kit and an Ebay course,
If your life needs an upgrade, consider the source....

Check that junk mail, it's just what you need~
It's meant for your good, so next time..... do read~

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