Monday, September 14, 2009

random thoughts on recent stuff~

....I hate golf. Played over the weekend in a scramble. I was busy most the time scrambling in the brush for balls. I lost five balls, a glove, four tees, and my patience for ANY golf etiquette. I did not yell four, because my ball did not come close to hitting anything but the trees. I chose other four letter f words.
My handicap was I had not swung a club in 10 years. A.A. Milne who wrote Winnie the Pooh once wrote: "Golf is so popular, simply because it is the best game in the world to be bad." I was bad. Soooooooooooooo bad!

....I watched some of the VMA's....the MJ tribute for Michael was great featuring Janet. A Jackson concert featuring Janet singing Michael's part would be cool~

....Kanye West's interruption of Taylor Swift moments was still yet another embarrassment for the not so Sharpest tongue in the West. This is the same guy during Katrina that commented that George Bush doesn't care about black people. Well, apparently , Kanye you don't care about 19 year old white country singers. Incidentally, I still have not heard a Kanye song I like. When Jay Leno asked Kanye what his mother would have thought about his Beyonce behavior, I thought he was going to cry like a baby. Way to 'dig' for a 'gold'en question Jay, throw on a lil dead mom guilt, works every time~ ! Even Obama got into the act by calling Kanye a Jackass. You go Obama~!

....I caught a bit of the Oprah interview with Whitney. The 'Stand by Your Man' thing just doesn't cut it with me. This isn't the Patsy Cline era. Patsy sang about 'sometimes it's hard to be a woman' and went down in a tragic plane crash. Whitney crashed and burned on her own, soon after singing 'I'm Every Woman.' She always had good people around her. Eight years ago when crack was whack, the people were there. She chose to hole up with Bobby. She waited with baited breath to inhale daily. She had the 'greatest love of all'... the drugs, and liked it. Looked to me like she had a new set of pearly white teeth too~! (Where do broken teeth go?) When Oprah questioned her about how she took the drugs... she looked at Oprah like "Wat?"... "You don't know? Well lemme explain it....." So hard for me to feel sorry for people that are surrounded by bodyguards, million dollar bank accounts, and choose to feed dealers families. As far as Bobby? She married a man who had kids with other women, was known for not being able to "Cool It Now" (or then) with other women. Did Whitney really think he was a good guy? A good New Edition to her life? He is currently in back child support payments of $45,000 to his array of kids. Gee, where has that child support gone?...To support other selfish habits perhaps? 'Don't Be Cruel' sucked Whitney dry, so grow up and take care of your kids. It's your perogative, but grow up!!!! Get over yourself. You had one #1 song.
You literally stopped a woman from flourishing. Damn Shame.

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